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Long life Puja for Lama Choedak Rinpoche


20th Anniversary of Rongton Buddhist Centre

As part of the weekend's program detailed below, you are also invited to join us on the evening of Saturday 18 May at 7pm, as we conduct a very special 16 Arhat Puja to be dedicated for Lama Choedak Rinpoche’s long life and the long life of all our precious teachers.  

Even if you're unable to come to one or both days of Rinpoche's teachings, it'd be great for as many sangha as possible to attend the puja on Saturday night in order to pay tribute to the amazing & tireless efforts of Rinpoche and all our precious teachers in helping the Dharma to flourish, and also to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Rongton Buddhist Centre.  Tea & cake will be served afterwards.

Details as follows:

WhenSaturday 18 May 2024 starting at 7pm

WhereRongton Buddhist Centre, Brisbane (please sms Robin for exact location on 0409 486 540)

NoteNo initiation required.  Please bring a vajra & bell if you have them.

Diamond Cutter Sutra - Teaching by Lama Choedak Rinpoche

We are delighted to share the following details regarding Lama Choedak Rinpoche's upcoming teaching at our Centre during the weekend of 18 & 19 May 2024.
Lama Choedak Rinpoche will give teachings over two full days on the Diamond Cutter Sutra. It is one of the most well-known sutras of Mahayana Buddhism, and one of the Prajñāpāramitā (Perfection of Wisdom) sutras. The Sanskrit title, Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, may be translated roughly as the "Vajra Cutter Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra" or "The Perfection of Wisdom Text that Cuts Like a Thunderbolt". This short sutra cuts through the very root of all confusion and suffering, and is the essence of the Buddhist view of emptiness, the ‘wisdom gone beyond’. It is composed as a lively conversation between the Buddha and a senior monk, Subhuti, who comes forth and asks the Buddha: "How, Lord, should one who has set out on the bodhisattva path take his stand, how should he proceed, how should he control the mind?"

This is one of the texts that is so sacred that it is mostly written in gold. It is ten times longer than the Heart Sutra. It is read to remove obstacles of the living, recover from sicknesses and help the souls of the dead. Also, people always make an effort to receive an oral transmission of the text. It is great blessings to be able to receive a full teaching on this sutra from one of the most eloquent Tibetan teachers living in Australia. Rinpoche will also give an oral transmission of this sacred text after the teachings on Sunday afternoon.

Please see booking details below, noting that this is an in-house teaching only, and will not be offered online. 

Weekend Details

Where: Rongton Buddhist Centre, Brisbane. NB: Please note that our Centre's space can only accommodate strictly limited numbers.

When: 9am - 5pm on Saturday 18 May and 9am - 3.30pm on Sunday 19 May 2024.

BYO: Please BYO lunch & coffee cup.  Morning & afternoon tea will be provided by Rongton Buddhist Centre.

Cost: Total cost for the weekend is $130 ($110 members/concession), or $65 per day ($55 members/concession) for either Saturday or Sunday. Note: If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Robin to discuss an alternative arrangement.

RSVP: Bookings to be made by Wednesday 8 May 2024 by email to or sms Robin on 0409 486 540.

Payment:   Payment is by cash, cheque (payable to Rongton Buddhist Centre Incorporated) or EFT (details as follows).

EFT (direct deposit) payments to Commonwealth Bank

Account Name: Rongton Buddhist Centre Incorporated

BSB: 064140

Account Number: 10135208

NB: Please state your name in the reference.

Teachings in 2024

We are delighted to announce that our precious teachers, Lama Choedak Rinpoche and Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe, will be visiting Rongton Buddhist Centre in Brisbane to give teachings in 2024 on the following dates:

  • 13 & 14 April - Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe (see further details below)
  • 18 & 19 May - Lama Choedak Rinpoche (the Diamond Cutter Sutra - further details to be posted in the near future)

We are very happy to announce the details of the upcoming teachings to be given by Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe at Rongton Buddhist Centre in Brisbane on 13 & 14 April this year, as follows.

Khenpo-la will be giving two very precious teachings over the course of the weekend, firstly on the Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way, and secondly on the 21 Taras.
The Mulamadhyamakakarika or Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way is Nagarjuna's best known work, and is the foundational text of the Madhyamaka (Middle Way) school of Buddhist philosophy.  In this text, Nagarjuna sought to philosophically articulate and defend the Mahayana teaching that all phenomena are empty, or devoid of independent existence, utilising the Buddha's teaching of dependent origination.
Tara is the female Buddha of enlightened activity, and has 21 primary emanations, hence the 21 Taras.  Each of these emanations perform different activities, of which there are four main types: pacifying, increasing, overpowering/magnetising, and wrathful, symbolised by different colours.  Tara represents the active principle of compassion, capable of bringing to fruition all activities which benefit other sentient beings, all the way up to complete enlightenment.  She is known for her swiftness in coming to the aid of those who invoke her name in times of need, manifesting in whatever form is most appropriate to the situation.  

Weekend Details

Where: Rongton Buddhist Centre, Brisbane. NB: Please note that our Centre's space can only accommodate strictly limited numbers.

When: 9am - 4.30pm on both Saturday 13 April & Sunday 14 April 2024.

BYO: Please BYO lunch & coffee cup.  Morning & afternoon tea will be provided by Rongton Buddhist Centre.

Cost: Total cost for the weekend is $180 ($160 members/concession), or $90 per day ($80 members/concession) for either Saturday or Sunday. Note: If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Robin to discuss an alternative arrangement.

RSVP: Bookings to be made by Saturday 6 April 2024 by email to or sms Robin on 0409 486 540.

Payment:   Payment is by cash, cheque (payable to Rongton Buddhist Centre Incorporated) or EFT (details as follows).

EFT (direct deposit) payments to Commonwealth Bank

Account Name: Rongton Buddhist Centre Incorporated

BSB: 064140

Account Number: 10135208

NB: Please state your name in the reference.

We look forward to seeing you in April!

16 Arhat Puja

Commencing 7pm on Saturday 24 February 2024

The 16 Arhat Puja is an ancient & powerful practice, the origins of which date back to the time of the Buddha, who requested 16 of his arhat disciples to uphold & protect the Dharma, so that the precious teachings would continue to flourish long after the Buddha passed into mahaparinirvana.  By participating in this puja we are therefore contributing to the continuation of the Buddhadharma, which is especially important in times such as these when wisdom, kindness & compassion are so sorely needed.

This Saturday's puja will coincide with Chotrul Duchen - one of the four holy Tibetan Buddhist festivals.  Chotrul Duchen commemorates the display of miracles  by Shakyamuni Buddha, who at the repeated request of 15 kings of India, displayed miracles in Shravasti for his disciples in order to increase their devotion. Chotrul Duchen starts on the first day of Losar and culminates on the full moon, which falls on 24 February this year.  It is said that the effects of positive and negative actions are multiplied ten million times on this day, so participating in the puja is a powerful way to accumulate extensive merits for the benefit of all. 

Everyone is invited to attend, and please note that no initiation is required. You are most welcome to bring offerings for the shrine (e.g. candles or flowers), as we dedicate the puja for His Holiness the Dalai Lama's long life & the long life of all our teachers, as well as dedicating for world peace and the happiness of all sentient beings.

Details as follows.

When: Saturday 24 February 2024 starting at 7pm

Where: Rongton Buddhist Centre, Brisbane - please contact Robin for address details

BYO: Vajra & bell (if you have them)

Enquiries: Robin 0409 486 540

Calm Abiding Meditation Course September 2023

We are happy to announce our Centre's plans to run a short, 4-week introductory Calm Abiding meditation course this September.  

Developed by Lama Choedak Rinpoche, and based on the four foundations of mindfulness (mindfulness of body, feelings, thoughts and phenomena), this course is for those who wish to learn and practice an authentic and time-honoured skill going back to the enlightenment of Buddha Shakyamuni.   Whilst these classes are designed more for the beginner meditator, those with some experience already are also welcome to participate in the course, as a way of refreshing or developing existing skills in meditation. Please note that there is no requirement for a commitment to Buddhism. Cushions are supplied, and comfortable clothing is recommended.

Classes will be held from 10.30am till 12pm on consecutive Saturday mornings, from 2 September to 23 September (inclusive) at Rongton Buddhist Centre in Brisbane.  To register your interest, please email or sms Robin on 0409 486 540 by 19 August 2023.  

The total cost of the course is $55, which includes a meditation handbook "Taming the Elephant Mind" by Lama Choedak Rinpoche. Payment is due by the end of the second class, by either direct deposit, cash or cheque (made out to Rongton Buddhist Centre Incorporated).  Alternatively, you can pay as you go ($10 a week) and buy the handbook separately at a cost of $15.

Direct deposit details are as follows:

Commonwealth Bank 
BSB: 064140
Account number: 10135208 (please include your name in the reference)

Phone:  0439 992 312 or 0409 486 540

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